Chairman of the Board of Directors

Thomas Sojak

Member of the Board of Directors since 2024
Non-Executive Member of the Board of Directors
Born in 1970, Swiss


Education and training

Studied business administration at the University of St. Gallen, graduating as lic. oec. HSG. Postgraduate studies in hospital management at the FHS St.Gallen (MAS FHO in Health Service Management) and Master’s degree in real estate management from the University of Zurich with a Master of Advanced Studies (MAS UZH) in Real Estate Management (CUREM).

Professional experience

Thomas Sojak has been working at the Cantonal Hospital St. Gallen since 2005 and is Head of the Real Estate & Operations Department. In this role, he has also been a member of the Executive Board of the Cantonal Hospital St. Gallen since 2010. Prior to this, he was Operations Director / Member of the Executive Board at SV (Schweiz) AG, where he was responsible for the Care Catering business in Switzerland, and was Managing Director of a catering company in Vienna.

Thomas Sojak was Chairman of the Board of Directors of SenioResidenz AG, which was listed on the BX Swiss stock exchange and merged with Novavest Real Estate AG on 14 June 2024.

Other activities and interests

Mandates in other companies with an economic purpose, listed in accordance with Art. 734e of the Swiss Code of Obligations:

  • Mandates at other stock exchange listed companies: None
  • Mandates at non-listed companies: Chairman of the Board of Directors at Spitalanlagengesellschaft Kantonsspital St. Gallen and at Spitalanlagengesellschaft Spitalregion Rheintal Werdenberg Sarganserland.
  • Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors at Geriatrische Klinik AG
  • Member of the Foundation Board at PONTE Privatstiftung (charitable foundation).
  • Public and political offices: None