This website serves the exclusive purpose of providing information about Novavest Real Estate AG. It has been set up solely to present a general overview of the services and products offered by Novavest Real Estate AG. It should not be construed as advertising or advice in any form or as an offer or request for investment.
Novavest Real Estate AG can make no guarantees as far as the website content is concerned, including content provided by third parties. The information presented on this website may change at any time and Novavest Real Estate AG is not obliged to provide notification of any such changes. Novavest Real Estate AG accepts no responsibility or liability for direct or indirect damages, including lost profits, costs, payables or expenses, incurred as a result of the content of this website. The descriptions on this website do not provide any guarantee that specific services and/or products are actually available.
The website content provides no guarantee that certain results can be achieved with services and/or products. Before anyone reading this website decides to proceed with services and/or products provided by Novavest Real Estate AG, they should speak to their own independent advisers to get an objective opinion and assessment of the associated risks and ramifications.
The specific investment objectives, financial situation and requirements of individuals are not reflected in the content of this website. Novavest Real Estate AG does not offer advice on legal, accounting, regulatory or tax issues.
Swiss law applies exclusively. Zurich is the exclusive place of jurisdiction.